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Weet iemand of ze in Kreta ook staken en er gebrek aan benzine is?
Er wordt niet gestaakt op Kreta, de ambtenaren die de boten inklaren in Athene staken. Dat betekent dat er geen aanvoer is van benzine, maar ook van andere produkten. Dus ook niet naar Kreta of andere Griekse eilanden.
Om 15.00 uur is er een belangrijke meeting (die volgens mij nog gaande is want nog geen uitslag bekend of men al dan niet door gaat).
Zie onderstaand bericht wat op http://news.ert.gr/en staat:
As a result of the customs officers’ strike, petrol stations have dried up in most of Greece, while shortages have been recorded in the market with foodstuffs. Drivers have been queuing since early Thursday at petrol stations that still have petrol, while long queues with trucks can be seen at customs stations, as customs officers are continuing with their strike.
Meanwhile, today’s meeting between the Customs Officers Presidium and Deputy Economy Minister Ant. Bezas has been described crucial, as it will determine the future of the customs officers’ mobilizations. “It is absurd that that a sector of well-paid public servants is trying to take the Greek economy and society hostage, because they want to be in charge of the special account, at a time when special accounts are to be abolished in all ministries,” commented State Minister Theodoros Roussopoulos. He then went on to add that the Government would not back down to practices of the past, further stressing that it would file a petition to have the strike dismissed as illegal. Head of SYRIZA’s (Coalition of the Radical Left) parliamentary group Alekos Alavanos called on Economy Minister Giorgos Alogoskoufis to enter into a dialogue with the customs’ officers.
Thessaloniki Runs Dry
Those wishing to purchase unleaded oil should have coupons in most petrol stations inThessaloniki, while long queues with hundreds of trucks, cars and coaches can be seen at the Evzoni customs station in Kilkis.
In an attempt to serve most consumers, petrol station owners are selling not more than 20 euros of unleaded petrol per vehicle. Long queues of vehicles can be seen in central and western Thessaloniki and shorter ones in the eastern part of the city, with petrol station owners warning that if the supply of petrol does not take immediately, then petrol stations will begin closing Friday.
Finally, the situation has been worsened due to the rain in Evzoni with truck drivers being forced to remain in their vehicles. Many drivers have abandoned their parked trucks at the Evzoni customs station, while the Thessaloniki port is congested.
Wat Kreta betreft: rond de steden heb je door de vele auto's natuurlijk al snel een tekort. Hier rond Chania (waar ik woon) zijn een groot aantal pompen gesloten. In de kleinere dorpjes zal waarschijnlijk nog wel benzine te krijgen zijn.
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